全字庫 中文標準交換碼

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Character Create Tools
下載The code converter tool (for Linux)
The purpose of this function is to provide a flexible code conversion function, based on the source character codes provided by the user through the conversion table into the destination character code. It is applicable to the “Linux operating system” (such as Fedora) users. The code conversion feature covers Big5, Big5E, Unicode (utf-8, utf-16BE, utf-16LE), CSIC (CNS 11643), Telecom code (for highway supervisor), interchange code for tax application, and private used codes. The conversion among above codes is based on the way of looking up the reference tables and adopts the medium format code (intermediate format: CNS Tag or CNSD) as the core conversion architecture. It can also transfer characters from the intermediary format into a destination one.
2018-05-03 15:50:34.0
Fedora 8 or above (Java Runtime Environment 1.5 or above should be installed).
Personal user of Linux.
Download the code converter tool “cnscodeconvertor-(version).linux.sh” (such as cnscodeconvertor-100-1.linux.sh), and save it in the PC, and then enter “sh terminal cnscodeconvertor-100-1.linux.sh” to perform the installation, or click the icon “cnscodeconvertor-100-1.linux.sh” on the frame of licensing and installation to perform the installation. For installing and running the tool, press the "OK" button on the license and installation folder.

Tools Download - Character Create Tools - CNS11643 中文全字庫