全字庫 中文標準交換碼

Home>Code Query>Composite Query
Composite Query

Rule 1
RadicalQuery by KX_Radical

Stroke Count:》 選擇部首:

Rule 2
StrokeQuery by Stroke Count


Rule 3
PhoneticUse small screen Keyboard to enter Phonetic Symbols

Rule 4
Chang-JieUse small screen Keyboard to enter Chang-Jei

Rule 5
PinYinUse small screen Keyboard to enter Pinyin

Pinyin Type:

Rule 6
CNS PlanePlease Input CNS Plane of the Glyph

Rule 7
ComponentSelect Components by strokes

| 特殊 || |
| 1畫 |
| 2畫 |
| 3畫 |
| 4畫 |
| 5畫 |
| 6畫 |
| 7畫 |
| 8畫 |
| 9畫 |
| 10畫 |
| 11畫 |
| 12畫 |
| 13畫 |
| 14畫 |
| 15畫 |
| 16畫 |

Rule 8
Stroke OrderSelect Stroke Orders

Code Query - Composite Query - CNS11643 中文全字庫